
The Value of NASTD - Continued

By Andy Cannon (Deceased) posted 03-16-2010 06:07 PM


Main Entry: suc·cess

Pronunciation: \sək-ˈses\

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin successus, from succedere

Date: 1537

1 obsolete : outcome, result

2 a : degree or measure of succeeding b : favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence

3 : one that succeeds

The value of NASTD continues to impress me.  Yesterday afternoon we experienced a major event involving one of our legacy Storagetek Silos.  This equipment has passed end-of-life and the event resulted in a major issue for our users.  Recently the vendor we used for break/fix maintenance was acquired by another company who no longer wanted to provide that type of maintenance.  After exhausting several leads locally, I posted a question concerning Storagetek Storage maintenance on the NASTD Data Center E Group and within 90 minutes I had three solid leads.  Pete Wieberg of Missouri provided us with a lead that resulted in us finding a new provider.  Fortunately there is a happy ending to our story, one of success.  Thanks to the prompt response of our members our system was back in service by noon today.  Stories like ours are not rare.  I hope you will share your successes with our members.  To quote Roger Graves, "Without us, where would we be?"

