Membership Categories

Membership Categories and Benefits

State membership is open to regular full-time employees from the departments or agencies having primary responsibility for the provision and management of telecommunications and information technology resources including services, products, engineering and procurement for the state agencies and public institutions for the individual states. Each state designates one delegate to officially act on behalf of the state, whether casting a vote at the annual business meeting or representing the state on other association-related business. State members have the opportunity to serve in leadership positions as national executive board officers or regional presidents, chairs of special interest groups and ad hoc committees. State membership dues include two annual conference registrations.

Associate membership
is open to any governmental department, agency, board or public institution with responsibility for, or an executive interest in, telecommunications and information technology. This membership is held in the name of the particular entity, which is asked to designate a primary contact. Associate members may chair special interest groups and ad hoc committees.

Corporate affiliate membership is open to private sector companies in the business of providing telecommunications and information technology equipment, facilities and/or services to the states. The corporate affiliate membership promotes more productive interaction between the states and the corporate community, strengthening the ability of states and the private sector to form the kind of partnerships that encourage innovative problem-solving and more efficient government. The membership is held in the name of the company, which is asked to designate one national-level manager as the primary contact. Corporate affiliates have the opportunity serve in a leadership position through the Corporate Affiliate Committee. 

Small/Micro Business Affiliate Membership is open to private sector companies in the business of offering/providing information technology, hardware, software, facilities and/or services to the public sector.  A small/micro business is defined as an entity with (15) fifteen or fewer fulltime equivalent employees OR annual revenue of $1,000,000 (one million dollars US) or less.  Small/micro business affiliates enjoy the same benefits as corporate affiliate members.

Trial Affiliate Membership - non-affiliated vendors are encouraged to experience the true value of NASTD by attending any of our regional seminars or the Annual Conference and Technology Showcase.  Vendors doing so who become members of NASTD within 60 calendar days of attending a regional or annual event will have one general registration fee applied toward the cost of their annual corporate affiliate or small/micro business affiliate membership dues.  This credit is limited to one general registration fee from one regional seminar or annual conference and applies to dues paid during the first year of membership.  No affiliate benefits are associated with a trial membership.

Annual membership fees are as follows:

 State membership      $4,500
 Associate membership  $1,000
 Corporate affiliate membership  $4,500
 Small/micro business affiliate membership                              $2,000