Member Testimonials

“The cost of membership is miniscule when compared to the access opportunities presented.  A single RFI/RFP, product evaluation, service expertise, sharing cost information or contractual details from another state will dwarf the annual membership costs.  State IT organizations cannot afford to tackle the challenges of today’s technology world alone.”

Jim Edman
Chief Security Officer
Bureau of Information & Telecommunications
State of South Dakota


"The breadth and depth of knowledge and the level of responsiveness available to you are incredible.  With NASTD you will find: 

  • consistency and continuity from advisors that you choose and whose background you come to know well
  • instant access and incredibly fast responses
  • a two-way benefit among participants
  • very deep experience levels
  • the opportunity to hear a wider variety of viewpoints and experiences on a topic
  • advice from people who implement what they are telling you about
  • more insight on lessons learned from projects
  • ready access to plans, policies, RFPs and other useful and cost saving documents that are ready-made or can serve as a framework

While many of our states are implementing cost cutting measure that include reducing staff through layoffs and retirement programs, and generally have a bleak outlook for hiring replacement staff, I take great solace in knowing the adunct staff that NASTD effectively provides to my state.  It's a resource that we all need now more than ever."

Bernie O'Donnell
Director, Communications Services
Department of Information Technology
State of Connecticut 

"After attending my first NASTD annual conference, my network capacity increased to knowing peers in more than 40 states. I continue to call on those peers today."

Jayne Scofield
IT Administrator
Network Services

State of Nebraska

"The Special Interest Groups have been especially valuable for peer and vendor discussions on new technology as well as broader subjects such as disaster recovery and IT security."

Charlie Sasser
Senior Officer
Georgia Technology Authority
State of Georgia

“At the intersection of public and private innovation you will find the National Association of State Technology
Directors. We are honored to be a member of NASTD for more than 20 years, an organization of state and
corporate members dedicated to sharing government best practices and committed to public service. The
experiences shared and ideas exchanged are invaluable as the private sector seeks to build better solutions
to support government goals. NASTD delivers an environment that encourages dialogue and debate while
uniting the vendor community and state members.”

Dan Sisson
Sales Center Vice President
Mid Atlantic Region

"…there is no other organization that affords the visibility and interaction
a company enjoys by participating in the regional seminars or the annual

Shane Harper
Director, Vertical Programs

"NASTD does an excellent job of creating a comfortable environment and scheduling plenty of time for professional networking at all of its events."

Zahid A. Masood
Managing Director
Z Consulting Group